26 March 2007

the one with something new


everyday used to be a happy day...

but today is a not so happy day...

i stepped onto a thumbnail on the NIE groundfloor..

i juz hope tt i dun get 'tetanus' coz i dun wanna see doctor...

so becoz of tt my plan of playing captain's ball for F4 with indo ppl today is totally ruined...

i dun get to go...

and i'm limping wherever i go..

but it's not such a bad day....

it's still half-a-bad day for now.

oyar..few days ago i decided that i'll have something new everyday...

it can be: a new experience ...

or a new info...

or a new insight...

or a new dream...

or anything

something new today : i made a new blog!! and a new post for today...

This is supposed to be an entry for Saturday, 24th March..(from litasalim@blogspot.com)

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