16 May 2008

if loving you is wrong, then i don't want to be right...

feeling ecstatic
going to malaysia tonight
and going home monday
but haven't done packing
any helpers??

will be leaving s'pore for a month
wont be seeing many people for some time
i will miss them...i think
hope everyone will take good care of themselves
coz i will definitely..

emptying my stomach now
and soon stuff it with:
mom's cook
the deliciously unhealthy indonesian streetfoods
sate padang, nasi padang, kwetiau, duck beehoon, martabak, sup sumsum

and so i miss my dad, mom, and bros..
and on my last day in s'pore i'm addicted to crosswords
what's tt all about?
and have i mentioned about the sadistic death of the baby birds?
the cat ate them!!
i guess it cant be helped...
that's juz the foodchain taking place..
no wonder heaven is filled with happy birds flying freely
and not cats
something new i learnt recently
i learnt how to ride a motorbike..
the big one like harley
and so my feet can touch the ground
thrilling and almost hit a van and people
how brave was i huh?
oh..and i learnt a little bit of tennis too..
i guess the old saying is true
it's never too late to learn..

a summary of my life this weekend:

friday : cee outing
a very happening nite indeed
ate yummy indonesian food
watched harold n kumar and laughed out loud
took over 400 pics altogether

somehow love this photo a lot
looks like the cover of a CD album
photo taken by: stanley goh
another outing
someone's birthday treat
delicious but challenging at the same time
struggled with the yummy ribs
thanks, mr tani! =)
oyar..and happy birthday in advance!
a grande looking temple that looked juz like a painting
couldnt resist
juz had to capture it in camera and post it here
rows and rows of lanterns with wishes
for success, wealth, health
i guess vesak day is near


sunday night: CEE dinner and dance
elegant 8 course dinner at meritus mandarin hotel
plus i ate the portion for 2 people
4 bowls of sharkfin!!
how greedy could i get?


something funny that Phoebe said:

"If you want me to e-mail you about my upcoming shows, please give me some money so that i can buy computer."

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