08 June 2008

once in a lifetime

there's juz too much to blog about
that i dunno wat to blog about..

im feeling different these days
listening to real adults makes me think a bit deeper
maybe im going to be an adult soon..

and i realised that today is father's day!
sometimes i wish i could do anything to make my parents happy
or proud
so i massaged my dad n mom often these days
seeing them getting older makes me kinda sad
wish i could ease their burdens even just a bit
let's be a good girl tomorrow onwards!

after 2 weeks 3 days at medan
talked to siblings, relatives and old friends
i learned tt many medanese gals are materialistic and two-faced
while the guys are cocky and such a snob...
(which i often heard of but seldom witnessed)
i hope i am not turning into them
and i hope my friends arent like tt...

and this sem my results are bad..
nothing to brag at all.. =)
but it's fine
many people have consoled me..
including myself..

PS. Happy Wedding Day (03.06.08) to my eldest bro who's currently on honeymoon.. =)
Wish you a lifetime of happiness. =)

happy always!

1 comment:

Mr.Elfanso said...

The pics look great..