05 April 2007

the one with my summary of the week

april fool's
who fool me? pin yan
who i fool ? lenny, damien, sherly?, linz?
somebody actually believed that i am going back indo to be match-made

4 quizzes for week 12 semester 2
CV2002 rate : bad
CV2001 rate : full mark (but cheated)
CV2601 rate : OK but couldnt obtain 1 answer
FE1001 rate : Good or so I think...answers similar to a tutorial mate

astro theories
- universe geometry (flat, sphere, saddle)--> most probable theory is flat geometry
- it is possible to pass through the wall according to quantum mechanics if you try pushing against it at infinite time
- gravity doesn't fit into any of the other 3forces (strong, weak, electromagnetism)
- Einstein is the most serious scientist of all time

good friday
1340pm ate ayam penyet and gado2...how happy
1500pm shopping: 2 tops
1745pm time for green tea frapp w/ java chips and whipped cream + choc
1900pm on the journey to eunos flat
2100pm blogging
2131pm i should stop blogging and study for astro quiz2

bye bye...

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