09 April 2007

the one with no more..

exam in a week's time
im still unprepared
last quiz of the semester in 2 days' time
also unprepared

astro is interesting..but impossible to memorise all its details
accounting is useful..but not easy to score
statistics should be relatively easier..but couldnt do the tutorials
computational method is a subject that i must do well in
physics1 is an open book exam..but i'm not confident that i can apply
materials science is an incomprehensible subject..i thought i know it but i just dont
fluid mechanics is my last hope..hopefully can pull my gpa up

okay..so i decide that from today onwards..all work and no play
well..exception for wednesday evening

no more blogging
no more chatting
no more shopping
no more happying
no more excessive sleeping
no more watching movies
no more gossiping

only studying
only exercising
only reading news
only doing past year papers
only concentration
only seriousness
only constant attention

word of the week : wan ji (toys)

PS: The presence of fat may override the beneficial anti-cancer effects of vitamin C in the stomach, research suggests. so please eat 5 portions of fruits or vegetables a day.

a useful webpage

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