03 May 2007

the one with W.I.S.H

i kept my promise..of not blogging til exams are over
so here i am
a day after my very last paper
doing things that i didnt plan on doing
and not doing things that i have planned so long ago

watched a movie (Spidey 3) yesterday night
wasnt as good as i expected

juz before my very last paper drank coffee..ended up awake for more than 30 hours
feeling dizzy but in a state of euphoria...
but also ambiguous feelings

ok.so still deciding whether to take the special term 1 or not
in a dilemma: the opportunity cost of taking the special term 1 is not being able to attend a cousin's wedding while the opportunity cost of attending the wedding is the longer time i have to spend in NTU and less friends to take the same module at any other time.
again, im faced with difficult choices
but knowing myself..i would most probably attend the wedding
coz wedding is only once in a lifetime...a very important event of someone's life
and not juz someone in this case..but my cousin

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